About Us

Hello Everyone – We are so excited that you decided to follow our journey! We decided to create this site as a place for everyone to follow our exciting journey as we raise money for Baby Ray! We are Koty & Tyeler and we are excited to begin our journey in growing our family through the process of surrogacy . We have a beautiful daughter, Genesis & a loveable yorkie, Gizmo. This has been an emotional journey for us up until this point. We have finally decided the path that we will be taking towards expanding our family. The best way to explain our decision is to take you along with us from the beginning. I have always told Tyeler that one day I would like for us to have a child through any avenue possible. At first we discussed fostering a child with hopes to adopt the child one day. We had several meetings with Jefferson County DHR and began the application process only to find out that LGBTQ+ couples had to apply directly though the state for classes because religious organizations would not accept us. Our foster training was scheduled for January 3rd and would end about 3 months later. Tyeler & I learned that many of our neighbors were currently fostering or had experience with fostering. After speaking with families that had already been through the process and learning about their heart breaking stories of the children they had fostered for 2+ years being taken from them once they filed for adoption did not settle with us very well. We decided that we did not know if our family could get attached to a child only to have the child taken from us. Shortly after we met some new friends that were telling us about their journey of adoption. Tyeler & I got really excited and started researching adoption though different agencies & consultants around the United States. We set up several appointments with different agencies to learn and decide on an agency that would best fit us. There are so many agencies that will not work with LGBTQ+ couples especially in Alabama. We finally got accepted into an agency that required $18,500 down in order to reserve our spot, and they along with any other agency could not promise that we would match with a family and the money would only apply for 2 years. People started reaching out to us asking if we had thought about surrogacy. We had thought about it but thought it would be way out of our budget. However, we were already expecting to pay around $35,000 total for adoption. After researching surrogacy, the total cost is around $60,000+ with procedures, legal fees, monthly allowances to the carrier, medical bills, ect. We mentioned this process to a few friends and we had a friend offer to be our carrier if we provided the eggs. Shortly after speaking with her (the carrier) we had someone offer us her eggs. We are very blessed that two very amazing individuals are willing to help us as we expand our family! Currently we have met with two attorneys, We have a meeting scheduled with a fertility clinic in Birmingham on the 16th. We are SO EXCITED to begin this journey! We hope that you will follow us and be our support system. Please share our post, our donation link and our fundraisers. Thank you for your continuous love and support! This has been an emotional journey for us up until this point. We have finally decided the path that we will be taking towards expanding our family. The best way to explain our decision is to take you along with us from the beginning. I have always told Tyeler that one day I would like for us to have a child through any avenue possible. At first we discussed fostering a child with hopes to adopt the child one day. We had several meetings with Jefferson County DHR and began the application process only to find out that LGBTQ+ couples had to apply directly though the state for classes because religious organizations would not accept us. Our foster training was scheduled for January 3rd and would end about 3 months later. Tyeler & I learned that many of our neighbors were currently fostering or had experience with fostering. After speaking with families that had already been through the process and learning about their heart breaking stories of the children they had fostered for 2+ years being taken from them once they filed for adoption did not settle with us very well. We decided that we did not know if our family could get attached to a child only to have the child taken from us. Shortly after we met some new friends that were telling us about their journey of adoption. Tyeler & I got really excited and started researching adoption though different agencies & consultants around the United States. We set up several appointments with different agencies to learn and decide on an agency that would best fit us. There are so many agencies that will not work with LGBTQ+ couples especially in Alabama. We finally got accepted into an agency that required $18,500 down in order to reserve our spot, and they along with any other agency could not promise that we would match with a family and the money would only apply for 2 years. People started reaching out to us asking if we had thought about surrogacy. We had thought about it but thought it would be way out of our budget. However, we were already expecting to pay around $35,000 total for adoption. After researching surrogacy, the total cost is around $60,000+ with procedures, legal fees, monthly allowances to the carrier, medical bills, ect. We mentioned this process to a few friends and we had a friend offer to be our carrier if we provided the eggs. Shortly after speaking with her (the carrier) we had someone offer us her eggs. We are very blessed that two very amazing individuals are willing to help us as we expand our family! Currently we have met with two attorneys, We have a meeting scheduled with a fertility clinic in Birmingham on the 16th. We are SO EXCITED to begin this journey! We hope that you will follow us and be our support system. Please share our post, our donation link and our fundraisers. Thank you for your continuous love and support! This has been an emotional journey for us up until this point. We have finally decided the path that we will be taking towards expanding our family. The best way to explain our decision is to take you along with us from the beginning. I have always told Tyeler that one day I would like for us to have a child through any avenue possible. At first we discussed fostering a child with hopes to adopt the child one day. We had several meetings with Jefferson County DHR and began the application process only to find out that LGBTQ+ couples had to apply directly though the state for classes because religious organizations would not accept us. Our foster training was scheduled for January 3rd and would end about 3 months later. Tyeler & I learned that many of our neighbors were currently fostering or had experience with fostering. After speaking with families that had already been through the process and learning about their heart breaking stories of the children they had fostered for 2+ years being taken from them once they filed for adoption did not settle with us very well. We decided that we did not know if our family could get attached to a child only to have the child taken from us. Shortly after we met some new friends that were telling us about their journey of adoption. Tyeler & I got really excited and started researching adoption though different agencies & consultants around the United States. We set up several appointments with different agencies to learn and decide on an agency that would best fit us. There are so many agencies that will not work with LGBTQ+ couples especially in Alabama. We finally got accepted into an agency that required $18,500 down in order to reserve our spot, and they along with any other agency could not promise that we would match with a family and the money would only apply for 2 years. Tyeler and I then considered a sergeant and we had everything lined up with a fertility clinic in Birmingham Alabama. However, as things progressed we unforeseen circumstances caused us to reconsider our options. We have officially decided to continue our adoption though private adoption. Please follow out facebook for updates!